Railing - Posts & spindles

Saturday, November 12

Ok, well, it didn't work out to start on the bamboo on the landing, instead, I helped my Dad and my Uncle Andrew bolt in the first 2 posts. We also started layout out what we wanted to do with the spindles. The spindles we're actually making out of the bamboo planks, opposed to the posts and railing made from pine. We're cutting them in strips and then planing them smooth, cause only one side is originally finished for flooring.

The joist that we're screwing the bottom post into is actually a double joist. They're laminated, which makes them super strong, thus the reason why my Dad broke a drill bit when screwing the bolts in. It just snapped off, like it was plastic. But... at least we know that baby is strong :)

My Dad also curved out area in the posts to insert the handrail into. I've heard the standard is just to screw them in, but actually inserting them is lots stronger, opposed to screws that will loosen up in time. Then any cracks get filled in with putty. My Dad also carved off the top of the post a flat top that fits on it.


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