Snow Blowing, finished kitchen handles

Sunday, December 11

Today I had the chance to use my Brother's family's wedding gift :) I snow blowed for the first time.... not just at the house, but ever. It was fun. I'm not good..... and snow blowed some seriously crocked lines but it was fun :) I just did a little bit though, cause I didn't want to have a relapse of my back ache, that I've had, for the last week. I'm sure I'll be paying for it.... but I was so excited to try out the snow blower, I couldn't help myself.

Later on in the day, I also finished installing the rest of the kitchen cabinet handles. I started with the lower cabinets, then I finished with the corner cabinets. For some reason, the corner cabinets were the ones I always grabbed the wrong side to open them, prior to handles. I think my mind just wants to open them to the left, but if someone was walking in, from the sliding glass door, they'd be in the way.

Anyways.... all the handles are officially installed now :)


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