Ordered Plants Online

Friday, July 13

Well... besides the poopy cable idiots, I was very excited about one thing today. There's a tree that I've been wanting to order, but it's been sold out, but today I was able to purchase it. I purchased it from the same place I ordered my Redbuds from, NatureHills.com. In fact, it's a Redbud, but this one is a weeping Redbud. It's called Lavender Twist (Cercis canadensis ‘Lavender Twist’ aka ‘Covey’). It's a new variety of Redbud found in 1991 and is currently apparently in high demand. Mind won't be shipped until the spring, but at least I finally got one. I've been eyeing it for the last year and it's always been sold out.

I also purchased another flower tree called Kwanzan Flowering Cherry and a bleeding heart. The Kwanzan Flowering Cherry will be shipped in the spring as well, but the bleeding heart I should get in a couple of weeks.


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