received Board & Batten Siding

Friday, June 3

When we first had seen the catalog picture of the Valley Forge, one detail that Tim and I totally fell in love with was the look of the board & batten in the sketch. The problem was we didn't want issues that go along with having wooden siding.

Fortunately, we were pleasantly surprised to find out that there is such a thing as vertical vinyl maintenance free board & batten siding. We choose tuscan clay, which is just what it sounds like...... kinda a brownish gray.

Everyone is very excited. Not many people order this apparently, so not many people at Barden, nor the workers have worked with it before. No one can wait to see what it looks like. And we won't have to wait much longer, cause we received it today. I opened up the garage and there it was... all boxed up and stacked nicely in the garage.


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