Chipper Shredder

Monday, March 28

Today I took a couple hours off of work this morning to talk to the chipper-shredder guy. He's going to clear the land where the house will go, so that the surveyor can stake off the placement of the house.

I drove by every 1/2 hr or so to see if he was there yet. The truck carrying the bulldozer was there on the side of the road, but no chipper shredder guy yet. My 3rd trip over there, I had taken with my Mom, and they were there. They had already started clearing around the pine tree. It was so cool to see it without any thing in the way of its view.

I talked to the chipper-shredder guy and explained where the house will be and what to clear. He told me that they'll clear for where the house will be and some of the front trees and leave the rest for us to decided. They'll come back later on during the construction and remove anything we decide not to keep.


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