Landscaping - book, ideas

Wednesday, March 28

One of the things I received for my birthday this year was a book Tim had gotten, off my Amazon wish list, called the Complete Guide to Landscaping by Ortho Books. I have some other gardening books by them that I really liked.

It's a great book... easy to follow. The book teaches how to look at your land and how to plan out landscaping according to the way you want and need on your property. For instance, Tim and I both feel seeding our front yard is a need, as well as a want, so that goes to the top of the list. Tim would like a Chestnut tree and I'd like a Magnolia tree. We both would like an entertainment area in the back yard, like a deck, but the front yard comes first.

Then it teaches how to make a Master Plan based off of the land survey. From that, drawings are made to narrow down the ideas to form planting and hardscape plans. Plantings are obviously plants and tress, while hardscape refers to elements that are constructed, like our stone wall in our circle.


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